Notes & Combos
love peppering in the random 1 ofs like grief and heartbeat, they vary your lines and make the deck a lot more fun. i took out evenly for crow as i wasnt running into as many anti-tear in the upper ranks; crow is much more flexible and lets you go into muddragon.
prosp is a godsend, especially if you have slight consistency issues after the instant fusion ban. i usually banish muddragon aussa redoer dugares gigantic exciton (can also banish bagooska if you think you wont need it). if you already have a starter you can save prosp and dig for ttt (or other interruptions) at the end of your turn if they drop maxx c. if youre running evenly you can dig for that going second as well.
tears are the most fun ive ever had in yugioh, and the game is honestly better for it. maxx c isnt so obnoxious anymore because you can just play on their turn, you only really end on one omni-negate max which allows your opponent to still play. tear cards are so good you'd rather run them over non-engine power-cards that are only good going either first or second but not both; tear cards have multiple effects which make them useful in every situation, meaning you always get to play. the mirror match is beautiful and interactive. konami should be making more decks like it, not banning it and then printing kashtira. this is the greatest deck in the history of the game. get it twisted