
Diamond V from on April 16th, 2023
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 660
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck you got 10 starters, and lots of searching, recycling and I believe is a good contender for Diamond. In the tear meta you want to have the 3 Biden Blasts(evenly) 3 Imperm, 3 Max C, and a few D.D. Crows and called by, these are your main counters to them. Onslaught is the best in archetype trap card as it allows you to banish monsters by battle and is not once per turn. Searchable with all starters as well. I'll let the gameplay speak for itsself!

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All replays will be on my youtube channel at

My channel name is UpperTofu. and I streamed my climb to D5 in my streams so be sure to check them out as well!