
Diamond V from on April 23rd, 2023
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I got to D5 with a 8 winstreak using this list. Pretty standard anti-graveyard stuff, Dinomorphia can play decently well under shifter plus Therizia + Mask Change II is a stupid combo as it sets Frenzy while potentially dodging a Veiler/Imperm while making Dark Law. That alone is game winning most of the time, especially if you also opened Solemn Strike to ensure Frenzy will activate. From there on you are free to just sit on Rexterm until the duel is over.

Always go 1st. Yes, we are packing Evenly Matched to make going 2nd easier but we are still a trap control deck, therefore going 1st is imperative to make a proper setup. However, it is important to note that going 2nd is also doable if you open Frenzy + Solemn Strike for example, which will nullify standard threats such as Barrone de Fleur. That beind said, Ferret Flames is also a vital card that can win you the game going either 1st or 2nd. Because of how ridiculously easy it is to get our own LP significantly low, Dinomorphia turns an otherwise bad card into a board wiping nuke that doesn't give a single **** even about towers (yes, it can out any monster in the game, even Rhongomyniad, so long as the monster doesn't have 0 ATK).

Psychic End Punisher is also an insane card in this deck. We make him with Rexterm + Ash Blossom or Ghost Belle normal summon. Since we are constantly living on the edge with comically low amounts of LP, he is always guaranteed to be a big unaffected bungus with 10K+ ATK who will make quick work of your opponent. He is an awesome finisher!

Try it and make the Tearlament soyboys cry! Have fun by ruining their fun!!! :)

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