
Diamond V from on April 16th, 2023
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 570
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Standard Spright Melffy.

Against tear, this deck wants to have I:P, Elf and Catty on field. ALWAYS place Catty and I:P under the Elf arrows. You do not want them to be targeted by something like an Impermanence during your opponent's turn. You want to go into Avramax 9/10 times, Goddess is a nice alternative depending on match-up.

When summoning Herald with Melffy, make sure to toggle ON upon searching Pinny to get the synchro summon out right away. D.D. Crow help against tear, evenly matched is huge help going second. If I was to cut anything I'd remove Triple Tac for maybe another Impermanence, but that's up to each player, TTT had its moments.

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