Notes & Combos
Okay. Tear is rough.
This is the list I used in my last match of plat, but honestly, I've tried so many tech this season, and I'm not sold on what's here.
Some things to note: Mekk-knight and traptrix are old friends. Some of us used to play it in the past. The reason why I revived it was because I kept getting stuck in situations where I could secure the board with traps and tech, but I just didn't have big bodies that could push for game.
Purple is the MVP in this regard. And I might scale it down to just 2-3x purple, and 1x indigo. However, a bigger package with Blue, succession, secrets, lib (have you read lib?!) and morning star can lead to some scary stuff. IP into Avramax is very possible.
And PEP isn't as difficult to make as you might think. It could be just two level 4s and a ghost girl. But it can also be purple and indigo plus a ghost girl. Tear has trouble getting over Pep.
Of course Dweller is dweller, shifter is often gg, and bagooska helps to stall (it's also good versus floo which are everywhere). Floo is also why I kept soul drain since they just die to it.
Other tech I tried: Kumongous. I once opened 2 kumongous versus exo. It didn't end well for them. In theory it should work, but I kept on opening double and I got frustrated. Might revisit.
Tiamaton. Really cool card. In one of my replays I used this with fissure and it can be devestating. Might revisit.
Dimensional Fissure. Sigh. Does anyone really like this card? I tried it for a while, and honestly it is probably the best tech for tear. But it limits gameplay so much, and I wanted to experiment with more interesting stuff (stuff that needs the grave). But in diamond, I might have no choice but to put di-fi back in. It's a good card.
Dogmatika. I like it in theory. And it's still strong against other decks, but in Tear it's just not enough.
Solemn strike and torrential. Very very powerful traps. But tear plusses off of destruction, so I wanted to avoid this type of interruption. But it's really great against non-tear.
I've got some replays saved from my journey.
- Diamond Rank-up match versus Melfy Spright. Went first. Can you believe they opened Shifter, maxx c, and ash?
- Tear. Went first but kinda bricked.
- Tear. Went first. Kinda bricked again...I think I was trying dogmatika here too. Somehow I won this nightmare. It was a grind.
- Tear. Went second.
- Tear. Went second with Tiamaton and fissure. I like this replay.
- 55 card tear? Went first.
- Tear. Went first.