Zombie World Eldlich

Diamond V from on April 27th, 2023
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 990
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Probably the only going second build (or deck!) you'll see this format

The goal of the deck is to play a standard eldlich control game using the powerful going second tools to break up your opponents board to the point where your branded and eldlich cards can intrupt your opponent from re-developing. This gameplan is assisted by powerful cards like Zombie World, that can lock out your opponent out of there gameplan (Especially if Tear 0 end up going a little to wild with there mills and sending a necroworld banchee from our deck), and cards like Summon Limit and There Can Be Only One which slows down our opponents re-development massively, while not affecting us nearly as much because the eldlich side of our deck doesn't need to be always playing out our turn, instead saving it's distrupive summons for our opponents turn.

Since I expect this to be a large question, I'll go ahead and answer it now:

Why go second??!?!

  • The going Second Arsenol: Going second cards as time has past have only been getting more and more overtuned to the point where the cards themselves are outright broken, only limited by the fact that most of them require your opponent to posess valuable cards on the field (With an exeption to the C that is indeed Maxxed out). Cards like Super Poly, Lave Golem, and Sphere mode are completely unteractable, unless your opponent shotguns a card like dweller (which actually doesn't work against super poly, just be sure to manual toggle on BEFORE you click on the draw icon) your opponents cards are just removed, no questions asked, and cards like evenly and Maxx "C" warp the entire game when played, and in the formers case, can win it on the spot if your opponent has burned there distruption.
  • Playing the Odds: We've all had the frustration of getting into a match, seeing the coin flip, and feeling like the game is over before it even began because the message "You will be going Second" popped up, however, this deck activly aims to see that message! Being as generous as possible, I could say a going first deck will go first 60% of the time, 50 because they would pick it, with them running into a going second deck 1/10 games meanwhile with a going second deck, most if not all your games will be going up against going first decks aka, 90% you will be willingly given the go second go ahead, and with this being best of one, your opponent won't have an opprotunity to counter your decision and punish your greedy going second tech choices.
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I have a couple of replays here just showing off in general how the deck plays.

P.S. Since this is the deck I did my diamond climb on (starting gold 5), these replays to begin with with be mostly plat replays.

PID: 299-665-186