Notes & Combos
ABC therion but with a stronger endboard thanks to Auradon. I know Ancient Fairy Dragon is out but Im not spending a bunch of URs for that just yet.
You can check The Final Anomaly on youtube for the combos.
I spent days going back and forth between Plat 1 and 2. I almost gave up on the deck. Then I made the decision to put two dark ruler no more and I think that made the difference. Also, I was really frustrated with how much I drew Chiwen yangzing turn 1, it's crazy.
Side deck are cards that you may want to include. Transmodify + ABC piece can fix dead hands.
Grueling Plat climb. Started using this deck in plat 3. It took 45 games.
Winrate: 53.3% (24-21) Went first: 24/45. Coin toss stats; 23-22 (H-T); I had a tracked a total of 6/45 hard brick hands. (hands where I coudn't setup anything.)
ID: 951-387-049
Two replays dated Feb 23-24 (depends on your timezone).
These showcases how to play when you got maxx c'd.
Basically, summon C, and equip union driver > B. This way, you can possibly survive the next turn and tank 3 attacks (possibly more if you got C+ another union in hand.)