
Diamond V from on February 11th, 2023
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 870
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Replay SS13+14 :002-594-587

----Symphonic engine----

What can "symphonic" engine do?

If you only use Miccs and guitar the combo you can do must have 2-3 card to summon auroradon and "Speedroid"engine increased consistency to deck with "Band shoter" you can only 2 wind monster to summon auroradon!

BUT if you play more symphonic engine you can have more consistency and make more discrupt by eff "Symphonic" card and combo spam monster of effect symphonic card and electrumite and consistency this engine so hight and you can ez make boss monster hard summon monster in extra deck (apollousa) by mechanism spam monster "symphonic" engine and you only need 2-2.5 cards to full combos

Thank Euphraside for idea/video combo/deck list with everyone

You can see replay in my MD account and Euphraside [YT]

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**My MD account:002-594-587 (seson 13-14)

Soon there will be some replays of other decks