Abyss Actor

Diamond V from on June 11th, 2023
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 570
42 cards

Notes & Combos

Fullpower A Based Chadcter Board

Combo 1: Use 1 "Curtain raiser" or 1 "Wild Hope" and 1 "Dress Rehearsal." Activate Dress Rehearsal, add the missing monster (Wild Hope or Curtain raiser) and "Dramatic Story." Scale Curtain to special summon him. Normal Summon Wild Hope, activate Dramatic Story to summon "SuperStar" from the deck. Destroy Wild Hope, add "Mellow Madonna" with its effect. Activate "Curtain Raiser" to mill "Opening Ceremony" and add Wild Hope back to your hand. Link Summon "Beyond the Pendulum" and add a "scale 8 Monster." Scale both Scale 8 and Wild Hope on your Pendulum scales to Pendulum Summon: 1X SuperStar, 1X Mellow Madonna, and your Curtain Raiser. Activate SuperStar's effect to set "Abysstainment." Flip Abysstainemnt, triggering Madonna's effect to Special Summon a Level 4 or lower Abyss Monster from the deck. Overlay your Level 7 monsters into "Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon." Link off Beyond, the Level 4 or lower Abyss monster, and Absolute Dragon to Summon "Apollousa." Activate Absolute Dragon to Special Summon "Vortex Dragon" from the Extra Deck. If you have another Actor on the field, follow up with these plays. Link Summon "Hyper Director" using an Abyss Actor (not your Pend Summoned monster). Special Summon 1 of your scales to scale "Sassy Rookie" from the deck. Make "Super Producer" using Hyper and your summoned scale. Activate Producer to pop the other scale (not Rookie) and place the field spell on the field. Tribute Producer with Abysstainment to set "Dramatic Story" or "Opening Ceremony."

Combo 2: Start with at least 2 Abyss Actor monsters in your hand, including 1 that can be normal summoned (unless you have the monster "Extras" going second). Scale Curtain raiser to special summon him. Normal summon 1 Abyss actor and link him off to Hyper Director. Activate Curtain to mill "Dramatic Story" and add back your monster. Scale your monster to activate Hyper's effect and Summon, replacing the scale with a new one from the deck (preferably Wild Hope). Link off Director with another monster to make Super Producer. Use Producer to pop Wild Hope and scale "Madonna" from the deck. With Wild Hope, add a Scale 8 monster, and with Madonna, add your SuperStar. Scale your Scale 8 to Pendulum Summon 3 Monsters (SuperStar from your hand and 2 monsters from your extra deck). Activate SuperStar to set Abysstainment. Activate Abysstainment to tribute 1 monster and set Dramatic Story (do not tribute Producer or Wild Hope).

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ID: 548-170-770

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