Notes & Combos
P.U.N.K Therion list that I used to climb to get to Diamond from low Gold pretty easily after the new season started. This list is fun and has a lot of varied lines that you can go through, but its end boards aren't the best and it can brick pretty badly. I found myself struggling against mostly Spright and Branded end boards as they put up a ton of interaction and many of their cards just outvalue yours. Tear was not a problem for me but that might have been due to the poor deck construction I saw throughout Plat (people on super high roll piles, suboptimal builds etc).
Main Deck Card Choices and Ratios:
- Sharakusai is a card most people run one of but I really like it as a two of in this list. Another pseudo starter which helps with bricks and allows plays on opponent's turn and your own.
- Deer Note at 2 felt good, rarely bricked with it and it extends like crazy.
- Bull and Duke have great synergy with the deck. Bull can get back Deer Note to extend further and Duke is a free 8 that summons off any non-Deer Note P.U.N.K card. Bull is also our only way into Baronne. Lily is part of the standard Diabolantis combo.
- Triple tac is so insane in this meta, I would run 3 if I could.
- Therion Discolosseum frequently had all 3 of its effects come up in my games. While the best part of it is the search, the battle protection actually helped quite a bit with some boards and I was able to loop King and other therions for follow up material.
Extra Deck Card Choices and Ratios:
- Draco Berserker came up a few times, but can be replaced with Dragite if you tend to go through Rising Carp and are more worried about board breakers.
- Crocodragon is a nice way to extend off synching a bystial but is not necessary in the deck.
- Amazing Dragon might deserve to see play at 2, I don't have the crafting mats for it right now though.
- Zeus line and Felgrand came up a few times, but it's not necessary.