Notes & Combos
I was deppressed last season because I failed to break diamond, always 1 game short of ranking up only to eventually lost to sprite. I then give in to the majority consensus of ignoring hand traps in favor of doubling down in board breakers. I copied a Diamond Decklist stuffed with board breakers and just modified it to my liking, this is the result. I must say, I am now happier playing 8-axis this way. I still retain one copy of maxx C because it is still an overpowered handtrap. Whoever thought of teaching ruddy Rose dragon is a genius! Thanks! I also played 2 super Poly since I:P and that xyz Djinn negate are both dark and are usually present in a sprite endboard. Now, I have above-average Winrate against sprite. A little note about them, I echoed the sentiments as other duelist in saying that they might be a monster-spamming machine but they do have a breakable end board much weaker to the halqi-spamming era. My worse enemies as of now are: 1.) Hand-Rip Decks (Smoke Grenade of the Thief). 2.) A very obnoxious ishizu+fairytale snow+necroface Mill Strategy. To my surprise, these 2 Decks are quite rampant now lol. That is all. Happy dueling! ID: 899-111-466