
Diamond V from on March 4th, 2023
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 720
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Cactus Deck. Summon Cactus and win.

The 1 Card combo I do ends with Cactus Bouncer, Kanzashi, Sweet Marjoram, Aromaseraphy Jasmine, Benghalancer, Konkon, Bloom, Blessed Winds, Shrine, and Princess in the GY (with 11500 LP).

So Cactus is untargetable, indestructible by battle, and once per turn indestructible by card effects. Opponent surrenders.

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Player ID: 973-115-336

Replay 1: Going first vs Mathmech with Dark Ruler No More.

Replay 2: Going first vs 8-Axis.

Old replays without Konkon:

Replay 2: Heroes. OTK after getting Evenly Matched. Going first.

Replay 3: Mathmech Maxx C Challenge. Going second.

Replay 4: Runick Maxx C challenge. Going second.

Replay 5: 6k Arrival. Going second.