Notes & Combos
purpose of this deck is to end turn 1 on an empty level 7 XYZ monster (preferably arsenal falcon) so that on opponent turn 2 you activate the rank up spell to turn level 7 into level 8 Kali-yuga.
I always take the maxx C challenge going first (assuming i didnt brick) , its the main reason i love this deck, not to mention it can play through multiple handtraps (Ash,veiler,imperm most common).
This deck is built to summon kali yuga which negates ALL cards on the field (both sides) so a deck that relies on hand and GY activations does well into it (like Danger!). Also nibiru isnt fun for this deck so i would suggest putting baronne defleur over borreload savage but you should summon it first before using Vata's effect which locks you into dark.The only problems this deck has (from my experience) are Super polymerisation and kaijus/lava golem, other than that this deck plays into anything and can do well going second , can easily play through D fissure/D shifter.
As for the tearlaments matchup (going second ofc); the only problems i faced were when my opponent sends BOTH black (feather) whirlwind/sharnga/zephyros etc.. to the grave yard, cards like zephyros and sharnga do their best work in the grave also if im unlucky enough and 3 black whirl winds got milled to grave that means simoon is basically useless , which means to just scoop the game and go next...
other than that BW BEST DECK!