
Diamond V from on November 7th, 2022
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 600
46 cards

Notes & Combos

Chicken game should be run at 3x I just don't have the UR cp.

Spellbook package is a cheap draw engine to add in, can replace some of the other draw engines if you don't have chicken games/upstarts. I cut it down to minimum, but you can mess with ratios or drop it (e.g. 2 each of blue boy/secrets). Any ns can be knowledge fodder but you have to link into artemis first (as pends will go to ed and you won't get the draw).

Curtain raiser is optional, he makes it easier to go into electrumite/starving venom dragon.

Bestiary is optional but a nice one-of to quickly get to 3 spell counters for servant/magister.

I run desires at 2x since you can't really ever resolve 3. Magister/reflection are at 2 since they are worse starters. You can bump up magister to 3 if you cut spellbook engine or aren't running 2x jackal, but since I have many other normal summons, I don't ns him as much. He can be a decent play if you don't want to play through max c (e.g. ns magister, get 4-5 spell counters on board and then pass and summon endy or jackal king on opponents turn).

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