Notes & Combos
Loci combo line that summons Bamboo shoot
Loci => Dryas add sowing
Sowing summon twin & Dryas summon Healer => Reborn Loci & Healer effect
Healer + Dryas => Jasmin
Twin => Dryas
Loci => Healer & Effect => Jasmin add Lilyborea
Summon Lilyborea equip healer => Effect (send equipped healer) add Discolosseum
Discolosseum => Add Regulus
Jasmin tribute healer => Lonefire
Lilyborea + Jasmin => Rosemary => Add blend
Summon regulus (not where Rosemary is pointing, to either zone 1 or 5)
Lonefire tribute itself => Evilseed => Add Samurai & Ragnaraika Bloom => Banish Samurai
Ragnaraika Bloom summon Samurai
Evil seed + Samurai => Skeletal Soldier => Samurai effect summon Lonefire
Lonefire tribute itself => Aromage Jasmin
Dryas + Skeletal => Jasmin
Blend set Humid => Humid add Rosalina
Humid gain => Search Mudan & Draw 1 & Rosemary summon Rosalina => Rosalina summon Laurel
Jasmin + Roasaline => Melias summon Loci
Loci => Dryas
Dryas + Rosemary => Dryatrentiay add Sunavalon Bloom
Twin banish Dryatrentiay summon Jasmin
Melias + Laurel => Bengelancer & Laurel gain => Jasmin add Snowdrop
Mudan tribute Bengelancer add Konkon
Konkon set Glamor
Glamor tribute Mudan (Extra normal summon from Aromage Jasmin) => Add princess & Camellia
Summon Prinzess
Snowdrop tribute Prinzess => Summon Camellia (In the middle zone if possible) => Send Sacred Tree => Add Bamboo shoot
Tribute summon Bamboo Shoot tributing Camellia
Jasmin + Jasmin => Dryanome (so that it points to Regulus)
Bengelancer summon back (Banish anything except skeletal soldier) next to Regulus
Set Sunavalon Bloom
Bengelancer: Bounce Prinzess in grave: Tribute and monster-negate
Sunavalon Bloom: Negate all opponents monster
Regulus: Negate
Dryanome: Attack negate (against 3 of the 4 monsters)
Sowing in Grave: Prevent link destruction once
Bamboo shoot: Opponent cant activate spell or traps.
I only summoned bamboo shoot once, so replacing the naturia cards with something else is possible. I just wanted to floodgate tenpai :)
Often one gets hand-trapped randomly, then its just knowing which cards can do what and build a board as best as possible.
Placing Snowdrop not under Dryanome means that one could tribute it away with Prinzess to ensure the attack negate is live.
Sunavalon Bloom can help with the OTK in turn 3.
Crossout was not really great for me. Consider replacing it or adding one ash blossom as crossout target.