
Duel Triangle Fusion/Synchro/Xyz from on April 19th, 2024
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 720
50 cards

Notes & Combos

Standard RDA deck, no roach means more fun but non-engine is still a must due to Branded/Tear/Purrely running rampant this event

As per usual, 50-card deck to space out potential bricks (literally almost every trap, Nib when going first, multiple Ashs, Gamma/Driver, etc)

Etude is there with the purpose to Calamity lock when possible, also allows to summon Baronne on opponent turn

A anti-Nib line is possible with Gamma (assuming my opponent tried Ashing one of my spells/Lube or tried Droll'ing me) or Vision + a Bystial thanks to Accel and Baronne

If you're wondering why no Pixie Dragon, I actively refuse to spend UR dust on a card that does absolutely nothing but allow weird lines to work (said lines really only come up when you already won or already lost either way), Kuibelt can't release sooner

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I put up 3 replays I think are worth watching, I went against a handful of Tear and Branded but most of them either scooped earlier or didn't put up enough of a fight to be worth noting

From top to bottom:

1st - VS Suship

2nd - VS Exosisters (misplayed terribly on turn 4 but managed to make up for it later)

3rd - VS Branded

Follow me in-game if you wish to watch these replays 549-041-236