8-Axis Blind Second

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 17th, 2022
cp-ur 1530 + cp-sr 510
60 cards

Notes & Combos

You always want to go second, absolutely trounces runick, and all meta decks. You break board and OTK if you are able. Took out numeron package since its a hail mary play. If you get imperm, veiler, anything its likely a scoop. You have to go all in usually and there are better more consistent plays

This is not really branded, it uses branded to dump extenders and get 8s to help clear, break, and otk. Verte is never used on climb only if you dont draw an 8 and need to mind control to link to verte to go into super poly, or branded.

SIgma is stupid stupid good ruinck auto win, floo auto win. branded and crash w mirrorjade or chimera. I never lost when getting it out but it could happen in some match ups.

Zero hand traps, makes room for more fun techs and anti meta cards. Triple tactics talent might be best card in game If its a dead card you win, if its not you win if they cant make it live they cant likely interrupt your plays which makes your job better. Best dead card in game lul

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