
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 14th, 2022
cp-ur 630 + cp-sr 750
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I feel this is the best deck for new players. Buy 3 structures and use point for hand traps that can be used in other decks and always usefull.

Evenly over lightning storm because easier eats Despia's board, Runic floodgates, helps bait negates from Swordsouls and decent against other decks and rogue. Do not play evenly bcz do not work with Heartsoul on the board. So many different hand traps just for names and ability to activate all of them in one turn.

Cynet mine "auto" win against Runic, keep it for the field spell. Bagooska maybe bad in Runic meta.

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