Notes & Combos
Why am I on Reversion? Truthfully its better to have a card that can help insulate you like Imperm and such but im on it simply because I have a Royal and I adore it. It's really neat how it can re-use Solemn Strikes from the GY even if you're under the LP threshold to use it otherwise. Also Terrors of the Overoot is pretty nice, I may even bump up to 2 to enable it as a Trap Trick search. It's a unique form of disruption that can do some pretty fun plays. Definately not required though.
Also for the first time ever I summoned Stealthbergia to use a set Solemn that I otherwise didnt have the LP to activate. A pretty fun climb to max I would say! Chaos Angel and Psychic End both came up a lot, shoutouts to those bosses.