Notes & Combos
Is this deck fun? - Yes, very.
Is this deck flexible? - Yes, that's what i love most about it.
Was the climb difficult? - No, i mainly loss because of misplays or bad hands. This mainly happened when I was experimenting with Fusion Deployment, Scarclaw Kash, too many Gate cards & Sacred Sword.
Anything you would add? - (1) Preparation of Rites, (1) Tigermortar, (1) Tactics & / or Thrust & maybe Called.
Anything you would take out / replace? - Prosperity, (1) Gate Guardian of Wind and Water, BLS & Titanic Moth.
Would you recommend others to try this deck? - Of course I would this deck can win in multiple ways.
MVP cards? - Unicorn, Barrage, Wall Shadow (literally keep me in games sometimes), Donner, Guardians Combined, Heavy Tank, Shifter, Droll, Souls, & Birth.
Overall I hope you try out this masterpiece. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.
I had better ones just forgot to save them :(