Notes & Combos
had around a 70-80% winrate in the duelist cup with this its pretty good
ED can be customized to your liking you dont have to run the cupid pitch stuff
can be replaced with generic synchros and links i just like the cupid pitch stuff but it does have a couple garnets
scraps are crazy they help us pop our field spell and help us get bodies on the field
scrap factory is a crazy good card in this deck
reasoning for 3x chimera is that if you get chimera and raptor in hand you can pop raptor to search factory and gain a normal summon so its just to get into the factory line more often
meklord engine is to help us destory our F.A. field spells and helps us play through disruption + a free spell negate
barrage engine going first is a free 3 mat drident and it allows us to get searches of our field spells going second it is a 1 card drident or zeus
finally if you have any questions just leave a comment below or ping me in the formula athletes channel
will be posting replays and combo lines on my YouTube channel soon