
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 10th, 2023
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The "hole" cards are trash. The only good one is gravedigger trap hole and nightmare, and even nightmare misses timing. Treacherous is really decent in BO1, and it cant miss timing. Its especially good because of how easy it is to trigger when set. Dont care if its dead, you can pitch it from your hand with holetua or manipulate your graveyard to make it live. There was a match against a mathmech player where he summoned the link-kuriboh expecting to negate the treacherous, and I activated it anyways to trigger sera (it says ACTIVATE on Sera, not use) and i was able to summon Pudica to disrupt him.

Sera carries this deck HARD. Find a way to summon her and resolve her as quickly as possible. She reminds me of resolving welcome labrytnth in lab. When she resolves, your win snowballs.

Im running maxx c for the target with designator. I dont like summon Sera pass, especially if you only run 10 traps to make it faster rank 4 deck, most of the time you need to make raff and thats a + 2 off your opponents maxx c and obviously since the holes are trash, hand traps and the least amount of holes are important.

The only thing id change in the main deck is another gravedigger trap hole in case you draw it.

Extra is up to most of your matchups, but i focused on winning as soon as possible. One other big place where lab beats trix is the ability to summon very big monsters and swing for game in an instant, so i chose Drill driver to overlay with raff to otk through a board with lightning. Zoo is for Zues since this is a poorer version of the deck.

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