Vanquish Soul

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 13th, 2023
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 450
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Standard VS list, though some choices I can explain

  1. No Zoodiac Package, I am not the biggest fan of it going 2nd or drawing it turn 2, though it can definitely make even more impressive end boards (though getting Nibbed is more likely)
  2. No Kurikara, Purrely is not the best deck at the moment but none the less, imperm, Ash and mr. Crow can help you through it
  3. I wasn't the biggest fan of Bystials or D Shifter so I'd rather play TCBOO (Decks that die to Shifter and Bystials usually die to TCBOO too)
  4. No Small World, it's a fine card but you really don't want to see multiples or draw into it turn 2.. I'd rather have a higher chance of drawing multiple hand traps...
  5. Extra Deck is pretty much useless other than the Rock.. Bagooska I went into it once, Arise-Heart into Zeus could come in handy (if you are going 2nd against Kashtira and they happen to activate Shangri-Ira too), other links and xyz monsters didn't come up but I'd rather have it than not have it, right?
  6. No Continue? I found it unecessary and bricky
  7. Considered running more copies of the equip, but it's not the best thing to see multiples of it turn 1 (especially if you also have Razen)

That's all, good luck and have fun! Comment down below if you want more details!

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