Notes & Combos
Pretty standard Melodious build that works really well and is pretty resilient. 10 game winstreak to end the climb.
I only have one Etolie, so if you have another I recommend it. With that said, I never had a game where I felt like I needed it. Kash Unicorn will ruin your day though :)
If you open Couplet + Ostinato/Movement, lead with Couplet to search Concerto. High chance your opponant will Ash it, letting you resolve the other and sending you off to the races.
Remember Ostinatto isn't OPT, so if you open two, lead with it and hope they negate the first!
Turn 1 is usually Etolie + the two that protect from everything. If you have an especially good hand + your opponant doesn't disrupt, you can likely get Schuberta out too. Don't underestimate removing 3 from the GY! With Etolie, you can do itt every turn!
Ty-phon only came up once, and I misplayed hard that game anyway. Luckily it was enough to still win.
Goddess, Bagooska, and Gravity Controller didn't come up.
Bloom Diva is decent into Tenpai if you have no other options, but my only Tenpai games were ones where Triple Tactics spin a card won instead of the board. Also the Etolie bounce is better if you have it up as its non targeting + on resolution.
Bloom Prima seems ok, but is weaker than the others. Nothing came up where I even had to consider her. Can easily do without I think.
Got a few replays if you are interested. I'm definitely not optimal in my plays, so you get to see me mess up just as much as play decently. Shows that the deck isn't super punishing for not playing completely optimal.
Promethian Icon: 2nd vs Math Lab. Got Aria out right away as I expected targeting effects. It didn't work out, but I bounced back.
VS Icon: 1st vs Lab/Dinomorphia Played into Maxxc and prayed. Seems like they didn't get any Dino traps even with all the draws.
Ecclesia Icon: 2nd vs Lab. Coplet + Ostin where I got punished for not following my own advice. At least Concerto still works nicely. Karma Cannon delays the game.
Out of room so no notes for the others :)