Notes & Combos
Deck is a lot of fun, takes some practice as combos are usually non linear. Space is very tight, obviously Ishizu stuff would be good here, as well as some more link options and some more removal, but I can't make my mind up on what to take out atm.
Snake Rain Combo: Send Nunu, Nauya, Keurse and Night Sword Serpent. Night Sword effect to SS, tribute for Keurse. Keurse Summon Nauya, search Water Lily. Nunu summon itself. XYZ into KotFI. Search for extender (Coatl or Empress). Summon extender. Link 2 into Alien Shocktrooper. Link Shocktrooper and last monster into Cosmic Slicer, search Virus. Water Lily send anything, summon Shocktrooper from GY. Set Virus. During opponents turn Virus tributes Shocktrooper to wipe all of their monsters, Slicer becomes Bagooska for 3 turns.
You can alter the combo depending on what else is in your hand, typically I like to make this along side a Regulus or DPE. If my only starter is snake rain, I'll usually make something else like DPE + Ogdoabyss just so I don't lose to 1 Imperm. Like I say, it depends on the hand. Also if opponent has a 60 card deck I'm making Dweller abouve anything else lol.
Master Duel ID: 382-705-599