
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 21st, 2023
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 660
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Welcome to THIS FFFFFFFFFIRE (we cyberpunk baby). This deck is pretty standard, with our main goal to set up PUNK combo every single game and just win from there. This might sound obvious but that statement reflects my deck building. IE; Playing 2 CBTG, 1 Crossout, 3 Ash & 2 Maxx C. We play this lineup to maximize our ways to kill what I consider to be the best handtrap against us as you NEED to summon a bunch to ensure you're ending on a board strong enough to potentially combat your opponents hand. Excluding Gamma as it is a BRICK. WE PLAY FOR CONSISTENCY. 2 Maxx C as we play far more board breakers than handtraps, with 1-2 copies of any usually being enough to clear boards, but drawing cards is iust good anyway.

Not going to explain the PUNK core as it is standard and doesn't need any explanation.


Once again, you're typically trying to end on Shara & a level 8 to Dragon bounce your opponent. It is worth mention, that in recent games, I started turboing out PEP as even with Maxx C, your opponent can just simply not have the out.

Ascended Thunder: Free level 7, that pays 3K LP. Allows the deck to make Baronne, but bricks at multiple copies, so we run 1.

Dragite: ONLY MAKE THIS CARD AFTER USING CARP. Generic S/T negate but required water monster in GY. Replacable card.

All Links and XYZ are optional, you're almost never going into any of them.

Spicy Tech: Nemeses Corridor & Colossus. Lowkey win-more and unsearchable sacky 1 of. Combos with field spell and can recycle foxy and deernote to deck when banished. Play either Ascended for Baronne, or Corridor for Colossus. I would not recommend playing both, as to end this off. WE PLAY FOR CONSISTENCY!!!

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