
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 18th, 2023
cp-ur 1290 + cp-sr 930
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Shiranui Solitaire and Ze Amin are both one-card Chaos Rulers and that is usually where you want to start. Everything after that is dependant on the hand and mills. I won a decent amount of my games by decking the opponent out if they Maxx C. Most your plays are from the grave so even if they draw Nibiru you can still keep going. The extra deck is fairly flexible. At some points I had Apollousa, Abyss Dweller, and Borreload Savage, but I switched them out for Felgrand for more going second options, and Dawn Dragster and PEP for more variety in terms of synchro levels. Shooting Riser over Dawn Dragster is correct to guarantee Scythe locks, but I just think Dawn Dragster is cooler to look at.

If you mill Scythe you can special summon it in the opponent's draw phase using Red-Eyes Zombie Dragon Lord. This allows you to not just lose to DRNM. Zombie World makes the few Floo matchups very free. Balerdroch and Snow can make you survive a Scythe lock if you can get them into rotation. There's so much you can do, so the more you play this deck the easier and stronger it gets.

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