
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 23rd, 2024
cp-ur 1200 + cp-sr 390
43 cards

Notes & Combos

Yes, this is Snake Eyes Charmers, more like snake eyes going 2nd. So, it's accesscode turbo. Snake Eyes perfect for Charmers stealing playstyle, cause you can steal diabellstar or snake eyes ash from opponent's gy to access the snake eyes engine. Magicians' souls can dump diabellstar to than revive it with selene and it's a great card. Awakening of the possessed it's a decent card because you usally end on accesscode (with 3-4 pops) and a monster and you need the extra atk boost to otk. Bad matchups are Labrynth but kurikara is great and you can sometimes win with it. For more information, the charmers channel in the discord is really active.

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ID: 013-806-329