
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 20th, 2024
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 570
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Stop saying Chaos Max he's not playing it!

This list aims to use iblee to gain the bonus effects of dogmatikamatrix and triple tactics thrust going first. If you are forced to go second, the goal is to try to resolve iblee and steal a win off Chaos Max piercing iblee.

This deck is a 2-card combo (iblee + ecclesia) and by that very nature you may brick, especially since there are quite a few cards you'd rather not draw (mainly everything you would search in the end phase) so you could opt to cut them entirely.

Alternate List:

  • -1 white relic of dogmatika
  • -1 albion the branded dragon
  • -1 branded retribution
  • +1 nibiru
  • +1 linguriboh
  • +1 triple tactics talent

"Tech" Choices:

  • This list is pretty starndard for dogmatika, except for literally one card
  1. Chaos MAX
  • My intention was to fight snake-eyes and have them float flamberg into oak or poplar in defense mode for an easy OTK. In practice they put them in attack due to the field spell, even if I did not reveal Chaos MAX. Regardless it still won me games and watching my opponent school when I add chaos form to hand never stopped being funny.

Full combo going first was usually an auto-win against kashtira, cyberse piles, and snake-eyes. The hardest games were against labrynth, branded, and pretty much any deck that benefits from no ED or dumping it.

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