Dragon Link

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 21st, 2024
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Same deck as last time I posted but more refined; Dis Pater wasn't that great and Trishula is very neat since this deck can very easily make it (Tracer+Recharger+a snake eye on turn 3 or Flamvell guard+a snake eye+Diabellstar or Absorouter before locking yourself). I added Hiita because it always comes up against pure snake eye, cutting the Unicorn makes Masquerena less efficient in theory but you never go for the snake eye board (there's always enough gas for the dragon board) and it can be used to make borrelend on your opponent's turn when you want to end on seals. List works great, it makes up with playing less non engine by having more way to push.Just be careful not to fire lock yourself before using borrelend when you end on Borrelend+Amblowhale. Very fun and rewarding deck to play overall

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