
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 17th, 2024
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 240
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Level 10-18 was smooth, 18-20 was rough. Calamity locked 3 times in a row. This is my second time making it to D.Lv. Max with this deck. It's a really solid rouge deck. A lot of players don't know the choke points or Ash the wrong effect. Hardly any Snake-Eyes during the run. Dweller is my counter. Turn 1, try to put up as many disruptions as possible. Turn 2, break their board and try to leathal. I put this deck on par with Endymion. Fμ©! Maxx C.

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ID: 740-451-082.

Replays will stay up for the duration.

2nd vs Lab.

2nd vs Kashtira.

2nd vs Branded

2nd vs Swordsoul

1st bricked vs Branded

1st full combo vs Snake-Eyes.

Enjoy. Thanks!