Notes & Combos
This list is almost exactly the one from the MDM Infernoble Guide. This deck can often play through infinite hand traps it's hilarious. It helps too that some people don't know how to interrupt this deck. I sometimes find myself wanting more follow-up cards in the Extra Deck like a second synchro Charles or a second Promethean Princess, but don't think they're necessary. The deck already has very good follow-up thanks to Maugis, but also Renaud and Joyeuse who can all keep looping resources. Droll & Lock Bird is an odd card because on the one hand I've found it to not be the strongest hand trap defensively in this particular meta, but on the other hand I've definitely appreciated it just to Droll myself turn 1 when I get Maxx "C"ed so I can make a lesser end board but in peace. Frankly even the deck's smaller end board has several negates and pops, which is almost always enough.