
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 16th, 2024
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

  1. If you're on this deck, I think you need to be running handtraps to stop SE and other decks that will FTK you out of existence going 2nd.
  2. Ash is bad because SE and other decks will steal Ash. I think it's an easy cut because we don't really care that much about being Maxx C'd, so that isn't a reason to have Ash be mandatory.
  3. Ariane is actually a really, really, good card. Dumping your (Big) Welcomes or your Rollbacks into the grave is so good, it is really not a cost. Furthermore, it gets Arianna, and you go + infinity because Arianna adds you more things, and now you have 2 level 4s. If you know your MU and know that bagoo/dweller hit it, go for that. Otherwise, I usually go for the D/D/D line. I have also had the smaller D/D/D guys' effects come up, do not forget about them. The Dugares is just really nice post turn 1.
  4. PEP is very cuttable, so is Linguriboh. PEP is in here for 8+Mourner, Linguriboh is to get rid of Iblee. But neither situation comes up very much at all. I would advise you remove them, if you choose to play this.
  5. If you're good at the game, the floodgates will be pretty unecessary and win more, while slowing down your growth as a player. You should not be playing them if you're trying to be as competitive as possible. I side with Ryan Yu. (if you're in a tournament, Dim Barrier or maybe Virus can be in your side)
  6. Have fun :3
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