
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 21st, 2024
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 210
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I dont like playing snake-eyes in my purrely deck, and yes purrely is a gamble deck now. But if the gamble works you will win! ( you gotta play perfectly thou ).

My friend gamble = double leap or pretty if leap is in hand + delicious ( if you have 2 memories in hand + 1 trap/spell discard fodder ) or pretty.

In the worst case scenario try to go beauty in their turn to negate snake eyes ash and then go AFFECTED noir with leap. ( pretty bad I know, but you have other forms of defense ).

If you go 2nd, try to bait everything out and then go for happiness OTK.

1 copy of DRNM is a life saver vs apollo-snake-usa.

Watch my replays to get examples of OTK.

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Master duel ID: 653-150-999