
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 24th, 2024
cp-ur 1260 + cp-sr 300
41 cards

Notes & Combos

My SE deck with an UCT Turbo engine. You got your normal SE plays with the dino package that can help going first and second. Ovi / Fossil Dig can absorb Ash blossom and other HT's to help the SE plays to go uninterrupted.

If you open both engines you go NS Ovi first, search for Misc or Pank depending on your hand and activate Misc to gy effect to summon Anima, pop the Ovi, search Double Evo Pill. If you have Wanted or Diabell aswell, you can start your basic SE combo from there and summon UCT at the end of your combo, which can book your opponents whole field and has some nice interactions with cards like amblo or Flamberge too.

Pankratops can be set into S/T zone and summoned with Flamberge/Field spell for an additional pop on your opponents turn. The Kaiju is searchable with Ovi aswell and can help to get rid of monsters like Ariseheart or Apollousa that are annyoing to deal with.

Anima can be summoned with One for One, if you have a dead dino in hand. Reprodocus in ED can be summoned as a material for Evo Pill.

I'm thinking about adding another Ash, but I kept it at 2 atm to keep the consistency.

Overall the deck is hella fun and does the job. It's prolly not as strong as pure SE, but if you wanna have fun and mix it up a bit, then I can recommend to test this out.

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I don't have replays of this deck, cause I don't want to delete old replays, but I have plenty of dino replays :)