
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 22nd, 2024
cp-ur 1290 + cp-sr 330
42 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck is optimized for the mess that the DC cup ladder is. I barely played against meta decks. Of all tiered decks, Tearlaments Kashtira were the most prevalent. I would say i played against tiered decks around 20%-30% of time, so i had to adjust and ended with this war-crime of a deck. In the end my goal was to still consinstently win against both meta decks while having a good going 2nd position and resilience against rogue/stun deck. This list is really strong going 2nd despite lacking boardbreakers because the idea is not let your opponent set a board at all with handtraps and if they do, you have some emergency resources to break it.

Handtraps (17): 17 may seem a lot and it really is, i toyed around with ratios and felt satisfied with 17, that ensured that most of time i can open with 2 handtraps, which is usually enough to cripple almost all decks. Snake-eyes is full of 1-card combos so its possible to fit all those handtraps without hurting consistency. Psy-Gamma is lowkey the deck MVP going 2nd. I had many games where i went 2nd and opponent passed with a blank board after a sucessful psy-gamma in their cp. This card is busted and opening it on 1st turn wasnt that bad because it could always become discart fodder for the witch.

Engine (16): Standard Snake-Eye ratios, nothing really special here. I consideted running 3x Poplar and felt it helped in the grind game, but i decided to add more handtraps in its place. As i felt that as long i can disrupt whatever my opponent is doing, i dont need more than any 1 card combo to set my path for Victory.

Non-Engine (9): Feather duster were to play against stun/floodgated (and pray to draw it before they can win), SSS were for the grind game and helped me to get rid of problematic cards when going 2nd. The only card i really felt it was useless was kurikara. Most players i went against played around that.

Extra deck: Standard Snake-Eyes ratios. The biggest war-crime of the deck. I had to sacrifice sunwolf/heatseeker for the xyz package. I decided to do it so i had an sort of "evenly match" on demand in the form of zeus to break problematic boards going 2nd. It actually came in play twice and i won both games. It didnt made huge difference overall, but it was a panic button that saved me twice. I also didnt missed selene at all and kept elf instead for maximixing the synchro package.

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