Notes & Combos
This is Kashtira. I hate this deck but I think this is the best deck for climbing since you don't have a bad matchup in this metagame. I didn't vs Purrely once so thrust herald was a lot weaker.
I want to talk about the cards that overperformed, Infinitrack is crazy, I won quite literally 6x games since my opponents would either Board breaker/Lovely/DPE pop it and get confused and just rage quit since reading is hard. Nt'ss and Garura came up once but it was a game I had full control of and I wasn't going to lose.
I was swapping between 3 talents and one talents a lot but I think 3 talents is better. Lance and Econ are crazy, they let you dodge imperms going second, they are great for going first.
They also let you go for more greedy Shang/Bang setups, the weakness of those setups is they lose to Zeus but econ/scareclaw kash/lance just help feeding the one mat arise. I only go for Arise + Shang + fenrir/unicorn setups when I have talents and I know I don't lose, I have some sort protection card, or I have Maxx C in hand in which I don't really care about the board being broken.
Gamma is also crazy, I hate drawing driver and many lost games are because I drew driver or I drew pathfinder + planet. But the games you draw gamma, its functionally crazy. You can gamma an ariseheart (not under infinitrack), Maxx C, Unicorn, or even just any random card. Gamma NEEDS to be hit as well as Desires but I'm really happy with the list.