Live☆Twin Spright

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on October 23rd, 2023
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 540
40 cards

Notes & Combos

One of my favorite decks and spright elf makes your endboard wayyy stronger. Sadly you have a terrible time into maxx and no room for called by so I guess that evens out.

No Maxx C since purrely and kash can both play pretty well around it and nib is a bit more impactful against kash. Maxx c is probably still better, but I am oh so tired of that card.

Ash blossom is kind of necessary since you need some way to counter maxx c. Plus it's alright against a lot of other strategies. You also draw two to six cards during your opponents turn and drawing into an ash that way can be really clutch

Thrust is the perfect bridge between boardbreaking, consistency and deck thinning. I tried Evenly as a thrust target before, but herald of the abyss is just more flexible, can be used in the late game and offers a form of removal your main engine lacks. Thrust into Secret password came in clutch several times too.

Only one ki-sikil since I always feel bad opening her instead of lil-la, and thrust offers the extra consistency and I had to make room somewhere.

I wish I could've played more runicks but oh well.

Azalea over unicorn worked out incredibly well. It's your tcboo out and is better at breaking boards going second since it's lower investment and you might already be two locked. Azalea can clear your board for your live twins if nibiru is stuck on your field (just use any runick qp for hugin and link the nib and hugin into azalea).

You could play a second Elf instead of muckraker, but Muckraker can revive your big link 4s and I wanted to have that as an option.

With elf added to your main combo you end on Elf, both evil twins, carrot, I:P and fountain. 5 bodies on board produce the elf endboard, and if you have 4 monsters on board you end on the usual end board with I:P in the extra monsterzone.

Sadly purrely is kind of a coin flip matchup, since you're going to have a terrible time against them going second, but gryphon basically autowins going first. Same with mathmech as I had to find out the hard way lmao. You have a pretty good time against everything else tho

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