Plunder Patroll

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on October 24th, 2023
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 540
60 cards

Notes & Combos

I'm netdecking the September 2023 WCQ Qualifier Regional Florida first-place finish. Hunter Llyod

I've decided to not include Farfa because I don't want see it in my opening going fisrt. Same goes for Booty but going second. Added 1 more copy of Redbeard because I liked him :) (it's for whitebeard's target on your Opponent's turn in case you drew it or already spent that 1 copy of it). Also Nib kinda sucks in MD.

I also tried main decking 3 copy of Triple Tactics Thrust, a copy of Triple Tactics Talent and a Herald of the Abyss. However most of the times I've been bricking on them.

While climbing the level, I don't always play this 60-card Plunder Lab. sometimes, I play Professor Oats' 50-card version instead. But I think playing the 60-card variant is more fun.

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111-356-316. All the replays are plunder lab. I'm really *** at both Plunder and IKEA Lab, both are hard deck to master. Combine them both is another monstrosity. So you prolly sees a lot of my misplay.