
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on October 24th, 2023
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 270
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Pure Purrely was the best option for me climbing during this cup.

I played a total of 30 duels, going 25-5.

Going First? Summon Noir, auto-win most of the time

Going Second? Break their board with Pretty Memory, Kurikara, or Zeus, then either OTK with Happiness or sit on a 6 material Zeus.

Only 5 losses, and 2 were of my rank up games to lv 20, both to Kashtira with Kaiju/Kurikara after going 1st.

The other losses had me brick drawing mostly the lv 1's and no spells or all hand traps and no spells.

I never faced a single Herald of the Abyss the entire 30 game run.

Kurikara alone can win vs Kashtira and the mirror match.

Triple Street was for the current meta. It lets you play right into a Fenrir and Ariseheart with no fear and once they trigger their effects they are essentially vanillas you can run over with Happiness OTK

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