Notes & Combos
This deck centers around Lightsworn cards, with Tearlaments as the main power source. The strategy revolves around Lightsworn, starting with Weiss returning Wulf to the top of the deck. You summon Weiss, mill Wulf, and special summon Wulf. From there, Synchro summon Minerva.
Minerva's effect mills Dragonling and another Weiss. Chain Weiss to target Dragonling, adding Punishment Dragon to your hand. Dragonling’s summon will mill Felis, who then special summons herself for a Synchro summon into Visas, which adds 'Planet' to your hand.
Minerva then banishes four different Lightsworn names to mill four more cards. You can Xyz summon Zombie Vampire to mill an additional four. At this point, you've milled eight cards, and hitting a Tearlaments card strengthens the play, though it’s fine if you don't.
Use 'Planet' to add Reinohart, normal summon him, and send Havnis or Scheiren to the graveyard. Always prioritize Havnis, since it's limited, while Scheiren is more likely to get milled due to having two copies. Then, fuse into Grapha or Kitkallos and continue your plays.
Decking out isn’t a concern thanks to Punishment Dragon. Use Mudora or Keldo to return your Lightsworn cards, as Punishment Dragon can’t return them. This enables you to combo again next turn.
The deck is straightforward—focus on milling key cards. Once you’ve used Havnis and Scheiren, you can stop the combo or keep going until you hit Snow, Mudora, or Keldo. Usually, by the time I hit Havnis and Scheiren, I’ve also milled Snow or Mudora/Keldo.
This deck can brick. I run 3 Wulf, 2 Felis, 2 Solar Recharge, 1 Beast, and 2 King of the Swamp without Polymerization. If you open with Solar Recharge, there's a 70% chance to combo off. Drawing Reinohart can also start the combo since the Reinohart-Kitkallos line mills 10 cards, eventually hitting your Lightsworn cards.
To handle bricking, I run 3 Ash Blossom and 3 Maxx "C". Even if I pass, Maxx "C" can slow my opponent’s combos, giving me a chance to draw a starter next turn. It’s a gamble, but it’s best-of-one—what do you expect?
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me on Discord. Feel free to ask about the deck, discuss strategies, or I can even teach you how to play and make key decisions in-game. I’ll also provide replays so you can watch how I pilot the deck.
And remember, the deck can brick. It’s not that the deck is bad—if it bricks, you lose, but if it doesn’t, you’ll combo off and can beat tier 1 decks.
You can watch my DC Cup replays from my profile. I’ve made them public, so feel free to check them out. I’ve also included a replay where I bricked, so you can see exactly what I’m talking about.
ID: 218-522-953