Notes & Combos
This is the worst meta i ever played, nobody is playing good decks, it's just rogues everywhere, and mostly because SEFK and Yubel are a snoozefest, can't really blame people for not wanting to play boring decks since even myself as a meta slave am avoiding them. There is no quallity yugioh to be played outside tournaments. Since most people want to play junk decks, it's the perfect time to STUN them all! Runick Stun is a solution that i came to avoid reading any text, shut off my brain and go auto-pilot mode, since i wasn't really interested in putting effort agaisnt rogue decks, and it's results are mixed. Somewhat fun deck but totally defeats the purpose of stun that is to have quick games, people really believe they can draw the out and will drag you to 10+ turns until you deck them out, if you can't deal with that, play pure stun instead, which is stronger than runick stun rn. My 2nd stage climb will surely be on pure stun or SEFK instead of runick stun.
About the ratios, there is nothing special, maxed runick cards and ED runicks (for pot targets), you can cut statues for other monster floodgates like wanghu, but im happy with the current ratio. Your win condition is very centered around getting your runick engine online, drawing morganite and hard drawing your floodgates. It really cant be understated how hard the floodgates carry this deck, they are literally your lifeline until you draw your needed cards. Ash absolutely kills this deck, going 2nd really sucks but the climb is doable.