Notes & Combos
Very standard list, if I was to make any changes, I might cut a pre-prep for a thrust or add another Sauravis ritual. Too many times did he come up clutch to negate effect veiler or imperm.
One card combo's:
Normal Diviner, send trias, trias tribute diviner, diviner summon Lo, Lo place Barrier, Barrier search Saffira, Saffira effect send ritual spell from deck and search skull guardian, Saffira effect in grave to summon Skull guardian by tributing Lo.
Normal Lo, Place Barrier, barrier search Saffira, then it's the same from as the combo above.
You're pretty much just always trying to find a way to saffira, while also having a body to tribute for Skull guardian. If you don't hard open Lo but you open Saffira and a body to tribute for Skull Guardian, then it gets you full combo because you can search Lo off Skull guardian, normal Lo, then go from there.