Earth Machine

Duelist Cup Stage 2 Win Streaks from on March 24th, 2024
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 600
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Long name: 60-card Rank10 SuperheavySamurai Vernusylph Machina Infinitrack FTK with Karakuri and AncientGear splashes.

Name's a mouthful. Let's not call it that.

This isn't some joke "How many archetypes can I fit in one deck". All these Earth Machines really do interact with each other. In crazy, crazy ways.

So lemee quickly run down the combos, in a short-but-understandable way:

Harvester alone: go Dozer + Trencher, make Rank5 Stormer and add Therion, then use Trencher + Stormer to make Ancient Gear Ballista, for Tunneller. Use Tuneller to draw 2.

Prodigy alone: do the Superheavy Samurai shuffle, adding and normal summoning a second Prodigy when you need to. Go into Karakuri, then Qliphort Genius adding Therion (use it to sac Scarecrow), then Ballista for Tunneller, use it to reset the Karakuris, and use a bike you got at some point to re-make the karakuris.

Gearframe alone: Unclaspare, make Gear Gigant, add Prodigy. Then do that same thing.

Gearframe + Sylph (pinkie or duck): FTK. It's complicated.

Prodigy + Sylph (pinkie or duck): FTK. It's very complicated.

Anything else: play it by ear. Keep in mind that the only goals are: getting Therion, Super Dora, Anger Knuckle, and/or Trencher.

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