
Extra Zero Festival from on July 25th, 2022
cp-ur 420 + cp-sr 510
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Almost completely netdecked from 永远的久远V in their video here:


Adding the Adventure engine and running Monster Gate as another mill source to offset having more monsters seemed like too fun of a variant to pass up so I yoinked it.


They ran 2 Draping, which seems a bit much to me so I swapped the second for a sacky Monster Reborn that I'm pretty happy with. Needing 2 did come up in an Eldlich match: I could use Masterpiece to add the second copy to hand to bounce Skill Drain and continue making plays but couldn't. So I do see where they were coming from, but I didn't run into enough floodgates to want to switch back.

I warmed up to running so many of the traps more than I was expecting. The deck is slow to get going regardless so I don't mind supermuch on waiting for them to be live on the opponent's turn, and their GY effects are very handy, so increasing the odds of milling them seems like a reasonable sacrifice.

Not sure on second Verre. Getting her in GY/summoned off Gate & Reasoning more is nice but not sure if that outweighs her hand-clogginess. By and large it felt fine though, so who am I to question it as a newcomer to the deck really.

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