Notes & Combos
Vanquish Soul has good matchups into a lot the popular decks this event. Boost this deck's constistency by remembering your Small World lines! Borger and Caesar are each excellent bridges for their respective attributes as they both share 1500 Def with Razen.
Always prioritize getting the Snow Devil online. If you run into Yubel and they give you a Golem/Kaiju, you want to be able to clear your own board to avoid reflect damage. Shining Sarc usually cannot deal with your bigger bodies without their boss monster so deal with Gandora before they can activate its board wipe effect. Trap heavy decks like Labyrinth will typically fail to keep up with this deck's constant card advantage, plus you can easily chainblock Lady.
One interesting tech to experiment with is Rescue-Ace Impulse. It is honestly really good to get an edge in the mirror match. The mirror is hard for the player going second, but Fire Attacker can draw cards on their turn and your turn since Vanquish Soul searches every turn. Coincidentally, Fire Attacker is a free body that you can equip Durendal onto to search for Razen.