Abyss Actor

Fusion x Link Festival from on May 24th, 2024
cp-ur 630 + cp-sr 570
40 cards

Notes & Combos

It's always surprising how consistently good Abyss Actor is in events like these- as long as Links are legal, this deck is usually allowed at full power and it's a real sleeper hit of a deck. I feel like I'm always loading this up for events and every time it continues to impress. Helps that the Abyss Actor community on MDM are pretty cool cats.

As usual for Abyss Actor, you're going blind second and aiming to OTK while using the Field Spell to force your opponent to pop your Scripts. There's a few board breakers here to enable it, you can run more to your liking like Nibiru or extra Lightning Storms, but generally safe to run lower to maximize your chances of seeing Extras or Curtain Raiser who are your starters.

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