
Fusion x Link Festival from on May 24th, 2024
cp-ur 240 + cp-sr 90
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Dragonmaid mid-range strat. Idea is to end each turn on some combination of Seal, Sheou, and traps. Usually, any two of those guarantee you don't die and can swing in with big dragons on the follow up. Doesn't really kick into gear until turn 3-4, but festival format is slow enough that it's fine not to have a killer Turn 1. There's a surprising amount of decks in this festival that really can't break through Seal/Sheou pass.

Where this deck shines is in the long game. Once you get the maids and dragons looping from grave to field to hand, this deck has a great grind game.

Laundry realistically shouldn't be in here (I think I had exactly one game where I got lucky and milled a Tidying off of Laundry, which unbricked my hand; other than that, she was useless), but it's a pretty low-powered format, so I'd rather maximize waifu-ness than effectiveness. Nudyarl, one Darkness Metal, and one Noctovision could also be cut, but without Bystials in this festival there aren't obvious replacements for them.

Extra deck was fine. I never really summoned anything other than Pisty, House, and Sheou.

I got all the festival gems in like two-three hours of play on the first day, but it took a while to get five wins in a row. I had a stretch of going 12-3 over 15 games where I had three separate four-win streaks, then lost the fifth game.

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