
Fusion x Link Festival from on May 20th, 2024
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 600
56 cards

Notes & Combos

You might be wondering how this deck qualifies as a fusion/link deck. Well, Patissciel is kind of a Nouvelles monster, and is necessary to play your best card. Combine that with the link-2 dyna mondo, basically our second boss monster, and voila, fusion/link deck! The deck performed alright, going 11-4 this time round.

The lower power level plays a big part here; Nouvelles has some crazy advantage generation, balanced out by the fact the cards you draw aren't that good. But in a format where everyones cards arent as good, that card advantage starts to matter a lot more. There were games where I was around +10 over my opponent, and many decks just can't come back from that.

Reading comprehension is also an important part of the deck, as always. I won a few games just by my opponent entering battle, getting their whole board tributed, and DCing after. Classic Nouvelles.

No dogmatika or imps in this event, but there is other stuff you can run instead. 3 copies of most ritual good stuff, a few extra rituals, just to see all the parts more often.

To make up for some extra bricks, we're running a bigger deck. Why 56? Honestly, i'm not sure, very much a vibes-based deckbuilding moment. I'm sure there's a more correct ratio if you look hard enough, but this setup has a good chance of seeing multiple starters, and more than 50% chance to see 2 non-engine, so it worked well enough.

Even without arc light, diviner is pretty neat, you can send trias off it, then use trias to tribute it to summon the pendulum. You can also send n'tss to act as removal if you already have everything. The tribute effect works in hand too, so drawing it with manju isn't terrible.

E-con was another MVP here. Tributing diviner or the pend is a great trade, and let me dodge interaction multiple times. Lack of negate everything boards also makes going second with slower non-engine like this more viable.

ED is just me being too lazy to edit it, fix it up however you like.

Finally, to cover some weaknesses:

  1. I'm really not sure about book. It did let me dodge some negation, but isn't the best in a format with 'link' in the name.
  2. Not sure if it's just me sucking, but I struggled against marincess, which is unfortunately fairly prevalent. You can still win, but it's hard against wave + s/t negate, especially with a bad hand.
  3. Speaking of bad hands, you are still a ritual deck. I've lost to drawing too many ritual monsters, and to drawing all 3 ritual spells at least once.
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