
Fusion x Synchro Festival from on February 24th, 2025
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 510
40 cards

Notes & Combos

If you enjoy White Forest/Azamina, this is the event for you.

Overall, things were up and down. I could win 4 in a row, lose 4 in a row, and so forth. My coin flip was also not the best as well, which didn't help while not running any handtraps.

I didn't think the deck was particularly great, however, I did go second a fair amount and even with things like Iron Thunder/Strike/Ferret Flames, it can be hard to secure a position against things like White Forest/Azamina with the amount of negates they can put up alongside their recursion. It's also a bit annoying how Wannabee was very hit or miss. Sometimes my opponent would have a full backrow, so I couldn't even use her.

If I had them, I would have tried out the Z-ARC package. Haven't pulled any besides Arcray and at this point, I guess I'm just being stubborn (I wanted them to come my way whenever they were in the selection packs or for the anni royal packs to no avail). Regardless, I did run Daruma without Z-ARC as I wanted another powerful trap that could do something to the entire field for extra protection if needed.

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